The Law Offices of Ryan Garry handles all sex offenses, including prostitution. Due to the increased number of police stings, more and more people are being charged with prostitution offenses.
We have seen two basic stings. The first is when an undercover cop puts an ad on or advertising her services. When a man calls the number, the cop will give basic information and there is usually an agreement on price. During the second phone call, the cop will give instructions on where to go (usually a hotel). When the man arrives, the cop will tell him which room to go to. When the man enters the room, the cop will start with small talk, then turn the conversation to acts and outfits. When the man puts the money somewhere in the open, the cop says some keyword, goes into the bathroom, and a group of cops enter the room and arrest the man.
The second is when undercover cops stand on a street and approach cars and offer their services. When some agreement is reached, the cop will tell the driver to go down the street, give the sign, and cops come and arrest the driver.
If you are charged with prostitution, it will likely be a gross misdemeanor because it occurred in a public place. A hotel room is a public place. Sex does not have to occur (and it rarely does); there just must be an agreement and an exchange of money.
If you have been charged with prostitution, call The Law Offices of Ryan Garry at 612-436-3051 to discuss your case.