Ryan and Elizabeth represented an innocent client. The client was charged with Felony Third Degree Assault (see here). After Ryan convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the criminal case due to the alleged victim’s inconsistent statements, the client’s job and entire livelihood was taken away because an overzealous social worker couldn’t take off her blinders and made a determination that the client assaulted his daughter.
Ryan and Elizabeth’s client worked with vulnerable adults, and due to the criminal charges, which were now dismissed, the County and State began proceedings to ensure he could never work in his field again. When the client received civil notice that he was being disqualified from his job, Ryan and Elizabeth decided to fight it. Ryan and Elizabeth repeatedly lost the case right up the ladder as no agency would seriously consider the numerous and important discrepancies in the alleged victim’s statement, the witness statements, and the medical reports. When Ryan arrived at the appellate court, the judge heard testimony from many witnesses and was troubled by the discrepancies of the alleged victim. Even the overzealous social worker was so biased that she testified that the alleged victim’s third version of events wouldn’t affect her conclusion that the alleged victim was truthful.
The appellate reversed all the lower decisions and Ryan and Elizabeth won the case! The client is now able to return to work and support his family. This case is a true example social injustice . . . if you can’t afford a good lawyer, then your life can be ruined by the government.